Since its establishment in 1898 as the Balatoni Museum Association, the Museum has been collecting literature on Lake Balaton, and those covering museum specialties, and local press items.
Once the head of the natural history repository of the Balatoni Museum, Mr. Károly Huszár, left his 209-volume library to the Balatoni Museum. This book material laid down the foundation for today’s nearly 30,000-volume museum reference library. The books were then collected in the framework of a “bibliographic department” and special care was taken to obtain aspects of Lake Balaton.
Our library boasts several high value 16-18th-century publications. Our collection area mainly includes publications on local and cultural history, natural sciences, ethnography and archeology related to Lake Balaton.
Opening hours
It can be visited by prior arrangement.
Library use
The use of the library requires a research permit which shall be issued by the director of the Balatoni Museum.
Terms of Use of the Library
The institution shall have 5 working days from the date of the request to make the requested material available.
No research permit may be issued pursuant to Article 47/2001. (III. 27.) on research that can be carried out in museum institutions; (III. 27.) in the cases listed in Section 5 (1), or the issue of a permit may be refused in accordance with Section 3 (2), Section 4 (2), Section 5 (2), (3) of the Article, and (4), and § 6, and in the case of archival materials, the provisions of Act LXVI of 1995. subject to the provisions of this Act.
The research permit is valid together with the researcher’s declaration, in which the researcher confirms by signing that he / she knows and complies with the research regulations of the Balatoni Museum, acknowledges the rules on copyright protection, publication restrictions and citation, and undertakes to send bibliographic data of subsequent publications using the material to the Museum’s databank. The research permit may not be transferred to another person.
Please send the completed permit application to the email address or bring it personally for the research.