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Temporary exhibition

Eggs of bird

An exciting exhibition wich guide us through the amazing world of birds. 2024. October 4. - 2025. December 31.
Virtuális kiállítás

Castrum Virtuale – Time travel in the Castrum of Keszthely-Fenékpuszta

Keszthely-Fenékpuszta has been investigated over 150 years but even today new aspects of its history are being revealed. All year online Architectural planPeriod of ancient RomeTime travelArchaeologyFenékpuszta3D reconstruction
Permanent exhibition

Fish from Lake Balaton

A 3000 liter aquarium will help you see the underwater world of Lake Balaton, and get acquainted with native and acclimated fish species. All year round AquariumCatfishMeagrePikeFish speciesPerchWalleye
Permanent exhibition

Formation and geology of Lake Balaton

You will embark on a time travel spanning millions of years, you will get to know the development of the diverse, colorful landscape surrounding Lake Balaton and the lake itself. All year round RocksThe formation of the lakeFossilsRock pettingTectonic movements
Permanent exhibition

Lake Balaton and people

The relationship between Lake Balaton and people dates back thousands of years. Our exhibition explores long-forgotten cultures. All year round Copper diademPrehistoric mass graveCeramics artArchaeologySluiceStone Age
Permanent exhibition

The flora and fauna of Lake Balaton

Get acquainted with the wildlife of Lake Balaton! In dioramas and large tableaus you can marvel at the diverse flora and fauna of Lake Balaton. All year round FloraBird speciesAnimalsFoxFish speciesKingfisherKing of the fishes
Permanent exhibition

Castles around Lake Balaton

We also present existing castles and forgotten Roman and medieval fortifications in our exhibition. All year round Period of ancient RomeBronze AgeArchaeologyCastlesIron AgeMiddle AgeArms3D map
Permanent exhibition

Lake Balaton fishing

The fish of Lake Balaton were not absent from the “menu” of the people who lived here thousands of years ago. Let’s learn about the craft of fishing! All year round HookFishing guildSoul-loserHarpoonFish bonesDugout pirogue
Permanent exhibition

Sports at Lake Balaton

The holiday at Lake Balaton has long included sports: sailing, water skiing, volleyball, table tennis, badminton… All year round SailingRowingBadmintonTable tennisSkatingSportTennis
Permanent exhibition

Lake Balaton tourism

Zimmer Feri, socialist riviera – let’s relive the retro feeling of life at Lake Balaton! All year round BeachBalaton retroCabinZimmer FeriSocialist rivieraBathhouse
Permanent exhibition

Balaton bathing culture

How long have people been bathing in Lake Balaton? Our exhibition follows the development of the Balaton bathing culture. All year round ScoutHévízZánkaBikiniPioneerBalatonfüredSwimming float
Permanent exhibition

Sailing on Lake Balaton

Our exhibition traces the history of sailing on Lake Balaton from Roman times to the present day. All year round Count István SzéchenyiOldest sailing bargeSteamshipBiggest sailing barge
Permanent exhibition

What the stones tell a story about

During your walk in the Lapidarium, the Roman and medieval past of Lake Balaton and Zala County come to life before you. All year round Middle AgeLapidariumRoman emperorsPeriod of ancient RomeGothicRenaissance
Permanent exhibition

White Man

The “white man” was the first statue erected in the world to commemorate the victims of the 1956 revolution. 2022. July 26. - 2030. December 31. 1956forradalomszobor
Permanent exhibition

János Halápy memorial room

Take a look at the works of the painter, whose life and art were intertwined with the Lake Balaton region! All year round Balaton areaMemorial roomPaintingJános Halápy

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